Melissa took part in the 48 hour Glasgow film project. Melissa wrote a script for Scylla's Bite first ever scratch night. A behind the scenes photo of the film 'Beached', where Melissa played Wendy. Photo by Lisa Mcintyre A photo from the film 'Shellycoat', in which Melissa acted. Photo by Michael Reddington. A rehearsal photo of 'Liminal'. Photo by Nick Bush Melissa performed at the Edinburgh Fringe with the play 'Liminal' directed by Alex Moran. She played the character Mar. Picture by Nick Bush Melissa has recently just finished filming her short film 'I Know What He Did'. A photo from the film 'connected', where Melissa played River. Photo by Theo Artillio A photo from 'Nest', where Melissa played Tina. Photo taken by Stuart McConville A behind the scenes photo of 'Perspectives', where Melissa played Thea. Photo by Nicole Helms An image from 'Unsaid', which Melissa acted in. Photo by Ema Kmeci A picture from the play 'Children of the Sun'. Photo by Becca Donley A rehearsal picture of 'A Christmas Carol', where Melissa played Cecila and Martha Crachit. Photo by Cosette Bolt An image from 'Mid Mortam' where Melissa played Cath. Photo by Joseph Matheson An image from 'Headline', where Melissa played Lorna Boyd. Photo by Kushal Dhingra A picture from the Edinburgh Fringe show 'Twenty People a Minute', this was nominated for the Scottish Theatre Awards. Melissa played Linea. Picture by Tom Mullins Photo by Nick Bush